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Dental Pro ED Online School of Dental Advancement

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Why Enroll in Our Programs?

Self - Paced Program

The mission of Dental Pro ED School of Dental Advancement is to provide Tennessee Board Approved Expanded Duties, Certifications, and Continuing Education to Dental Pros through 24/7 available online study and flexible hands-on clinical practicum with the working pro in mind. We promote the advancement of the dental field with less downtime from your career.

Simple Online Enrollment

Dental Pro ED School of Dental Advancement was created by a working dental pro with helping other hard-working dental pros in mind. Our online enrollment is available 24/7. 

Professional Mentors

All of Dental Pro ED mentors are Board Certified Dental Pros ranging from Dentists to Dental Assistants. We understand how much more indispensable and higher paid a Dental Pro becomes as they expand their certifications and duties in their dental career. Our mentors are eager to assist in encouraging Dental Pros through education and consulting with their career.

Root Canal

About Dental Pro ED School of Dental Advancement

We aim to empower Dental Pros to elevate Dentistry

Dental Pro ED School of Dental Advancement began in 2012 with the simple mission to provide TN Board Approved Certification Courses to Dental Pros by offering online course study and examination along with flexible clinical practice that accommodated the working Dental Pro's schedule. Our online courses can be accessed at any time and any day. Our goal is to encourage career and field advancement through convenient and budget conscious online training to keep the Dental community growing and elevating.


Our Academics

Dental Pros are eager to gain leverage in their field through expanded skills and education


Expand your knowledge toolkit 

Surgery Materials
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

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